
                Imagination and Books.
Always in my pocket; the weight of my book reminds me I’m never bored. As I turn the pages: my imagination soars through endless scenarios. My imagination guesses aloud what will happen next, he reminds me of what the main event of the book should make me think of, He asks me to think of their prospective, how would I feel walking their steps. When I can’t read, my imagination lurks behind my every thought, distracting me, wearing away whatever determination I might have for my current task, makes my thoughts wonder aimlessly. Inevitably my objective is tossed away or completed and I cave into my alter-ego’s desires to roam. Into the ink filled pages I’m drawn in; sunken away. I have escaped from reality: willingly following my friend.

                 Fatigue and To-Do List.
My shoulders sulk, my neck droops and my feet trudge. I procrastinate until the last moments for the hardest of tasks. My delay makes them drains me of my much needed energy. Fatigue wears me down, but my list goes on. The monotony of fatigue, he lays tar beneath my feet, daring me to break down. The list is not important, but completing my task is, and that means I have no excuses. They must be done. I will carry the boulders, the burdens that are my assignments. I will march through the tar. I will persevere until I’ve done my task. My list is heavy, but I am strong. 

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